Wed05Jan2022Wed19Jan20226:30 pm EASTERNOnline
Join us to work the CoDA Program together in 2022!START DATE: January 5, 2022
WHEN: Every Wednesday Evening
TIME: 6:30 pm EASTERN (approx. 1-hour duration)
MEETING LINK (JITSI PLATFORM): https://meet.jit.si/CodaStepGroupInnerHealing
TIME TO CLOSE THE MEETING: 6:35 pm EASTERN (to avoid disturbing the group)
PARTICIPATION: After Step 4 is completed the Step Study will be closed to new participants
SHARING: 3 minutes per person
WEEKS: Approx. 30 (schedule to be provided for each week)
PROCESS: Read pages together and then do the workbook together
HOMEWORK: We will have homework ONLY for our steps 4&5 as well as our amends list
TO READ: Each meeting the 12 Steps & 12 Traditions will be read
TIMEKEEPER: A volunteer timekeeper is needed for each meeting
CONTACTS: Marcy or Sona [email protected]TO PURCHASE:
1) CoDA Blue Book
CoDA Blue Book Soft Cover *OR* CoDA Blue Book Electronic Version2) CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook
CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook Soft Cover *OR* CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook Electronic VersionNOTE: Soft Cover books could take up to 14 days to receive. Electronic books are received the same day.
To visit our Literature Store please click HERE.
Mon31Jan20228:00 pm EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Join us to hear Experience, Strength, and Hope about Sponsorship!Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/824226822#success
Dial-in Number: +1 647 374 4685
Find Your Local Number HERE.
Please see FLYER for further info.
Mon07Mar2022Mon21Mar20227:00 pm EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Join us to work the CoDA Program together in 2022!Start Date: Monday, March 7, 2022When: Every Monday evening until January 21, 2023
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm EASTERNHost Location: Brampton, OntarioTo Register Email: [email protected]
Process: We will go through all the Steps and Traditions. You will need to commit to doing the homework (takes about 1 hr. a week) and attending the meeting each week.
To Purchase:1) CoDA Blue Book
CoDA Blue Book Soft Cover *OR* CoDA Blue Book Electronic Version
2) CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook
CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook Soft Cover *OR* CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook Electronic Version
To visit our Literature Store please click HERE. -
Fri08Apr2022Sun10Apr20225:00 pm PACIFICMaple Ridge, BC
A weekend wilderness retreat for recovering co-dependents!When: April 8, 9 & 10, 2022
Where: 14500 Silver Valley Road, Maple Ridge, BC
Registration payment deadline: Monday, March 28, 2022Please see FLYER for further information.
Sat23Apr20221:00 pm - 3:30 pm London (UK Time)Online on Zoom
Exploring Different Sponsorship Approaches!When: Saturday, April 23, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm London (UK time)
Doors open at 12:30 pm
There will be a 15-minute comfort breakCANADIAN TIME ZONES
5:00 am Pacific (BC)
6:00 am Mountain & Central Standard (MB & SK)
7:00 am Central Daylight (MB)
8:00 am Eastern (ON & QC)
9:00 am Atlantic (NB, NS, PEI)
9:30 am Newfoundland (NL)Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3514245975?pwd=TWZwZUQ1ZTU2ZVprM3dLMWJtNk5VZz09No registration is required to attend this event. Zoom limit of 100 people.
Are you looking for a sponsor?
Are you wondering if you’re ready to be a sponsor?
Are you looking for new sponsees?
Come along to listen and share experience, strength and hope about being a sponsee, a sponsor or being a co-sponsor.
This workshop is an introduction to the various ways of sponsorship, and not necessarily the place where you will find a sponsor. People will share how they found a sponsor. You have to do your part.
Finding a sponsor is an active process within recovery. We have to investigate our own route to acquiring a sponsor through attending weekly meetings, doing service in a homegroup and joining WhatsApp groups.
Next date: these workshops will run quarterly and future dates will be shared.
Format: A CoDA meeting with a 15-minute break.
Only CoDA speakers. Only CoDA-approved literature.
No entrance fee. 7th Tradition donated to National Committee (NSC).
Mon25Apr2022Mon09May20225:30 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Join us to work the CoDA Program together in 2022!
Start Date: Monday, April 25, 2022When: Every Monday evening for 46 weeks
Time: 5:30 pm MOUNTAINHost Location: Red Deer, AlbertaRegister in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvcu-tqTwtE9C5rjW9xGYASXcR--VM5vyK
Note: The meeting will be open for the first 3 weeks then close to new registrations. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
To Purchase:1) CoDA Blue Book
CoDA Blue Book Soft Cover *OR* CoDA Blue Book Electronic Version
2) CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook
To visit our Literature Store please click HERE. -
Fri03Jun2022Sat04Jun2022TBAOnline on Zoom
In Unity We Recover! The Joy is in the Journey!Join us for a virtual weekend of companionship from the comfort of your home!
Friday (evening)
Conference Opening, Opening SpeakerSaturday (all day)
Workshops, Speakers, Annual SoCal CoDA Assembly, Closing CeremoniesPlease see the flyer below for further information.
Tue07Jun20227:30 pm EasternOnline on Zoom
Join us to hear Experience, Strength, and Hope about Sponsorship!Zoom ID: 374 284 756 or click HERE
Password: healing
Dial-in Number: +1 647 374 4685
Find Your Local Number HERE.
Please see FLYER for further info.
Sat25Jun2022Sun26Jun202212:00 noon EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Be a part of this major 24 Hour World CoDA Event!
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/24-hour-co-dependents-anonymous-event-tickets-298206131567We are looking for:
- Coordinators/organizers - you can represent your time zone/country, be part of the planning committee, and have more involvement in the event
- Speakers/workshop leaders - if you want to share your story or organize a workshop (1-2 hour timeslots)
- Hosts (who may select co-hosts) - managing Zoom and breakout rooms
- Session facilitators - reading script, calling on people, introducing speakers
- Interpreters to fill all time slots - do volunteer to help CoDA reach different languages
Please use this sheet to sign up: https://trimurl.co/trH42jEvent Program available HERE.
Sat13Aug2022Sat10Sep20226:30 am EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Join us for an early morning Step Study!The CoDA Precious and Free Group in London, ON will be hosting a CoDA Steps and Traditions Step Study. No pre-registration or sign-up is required. We will begin at Step One and work through all the Steps and Traditions.
When: Every Saturday morning
Time: 6:30 am EASTERN
Host Location: London, Ontario
Meeting ID: 868 3145 6250
Passcode: 630
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86831456250?pwd=d0tjb0VqcnVNYkY5YzZKbDMyRFdkZz09
Type: Zoom meeting * NO VIDEO *
Group email: [email protected]
Description: This meeting is devoted to discussing one Step or Tradition in the Steps/Traditions Workbook each week followed by a discussion on the corresponding reading in the Blue Book as time permits.
To Purchase:
1) CoDA Blue Book
CoDA Blue Book Soft Cover *OR* CoDA Blue Book Electronic Version
2) CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook
CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook Soft Cover *OR* CoDA 12 & 12 Workbook Electronic VersionTo visit our Literature Store please click HERE.
Sun21Aug2022Sun28Aug2022Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
Do Big Things in Recovery!August 21-25, 2022: CoDA Service Conference (CSC)
August 26-28, 2022: International CoDA Convention (ICC) with Workshops and SpeakersRegistration:
2022codaconvention.eventbrite.comEarly Bird Registration:
by June 30, 2022 - $40 US
after June 30, 2022 - $50 USWorkshop Leaders, Speakers, and Interpreters are needed!
Contact: [email protected]Please see FLYER for further information.
Sat05Nov20229:45 am EASTERNOnline and In-person
Join us for a day of sharing our experience, strength, and hope. Focused on the Codependents Anonymous program, this event is for anyone with a desire for healthy and loving relationships. Hosted by Georgia CoDA!When: Saturday, November 5, 2022
Time: 9:45 am – 3:30 pm EASTERN
Where: Hybrid, concurrent online and in personZoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85196068497?pwd=TUVOZHViU2tqSzA0TEYzSHRKbFNXdz09#success
Meeting ID: 851 9606 8497
Passcode: 591889$10 suggested donation
For more information email: [email protected]
Please see FLYER for more info.
Sat12Nov20229:00 am PACIFICOnline and In-person
Cultivating the Presence of Higher Power: Nurturing Self-Compassion, Handling Crises and Celebrating Progress Not Perfection! Hosted by the Bay Area CoDA Intergroup (BACI)!When: Saturday, November 12, 2022
Time: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm PACIFIC
Where: Hybrid, concurrent online and in personPRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
$10 suggested donation
Opportunities for Gratitude in Action:
Workshop leaders, volunteers, and speakers are needed.
If you can do service please email [email protected]Please see FLYER for more info.