Fri01Jan2021Fri31Dec2021Ongoing throughout 2021
At the 2020 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) a Motion was passed to declare 2021 The "Year of Service" to the Fellowship.We ask that every CoDA meeting, every standing committee, and the CoDA board, mount a campaign emphasizing SERVICE as a basic part of recovery.
Please click HERE to read the full Motion including some ideas on how to implement the "Year of Service" into your own recovery!
Tue19Jan20217:30-8:45 pm EasternOnline on Zoom
Dan R, Sudbury, ON & Jason N, Brampton, ONFollowed by:
Medallion Celebration & FellowshipAll are welcome!
Flyer: Anniversary Flyer 2021
Sat13Feb20211:00 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Every Saturday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm MOUNTAIN presented by the CoDA Arizona Events Committee
Please see FLYER for further info
Sat20Feb20211:00 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Every Saturday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm MOUNTAIN presented by the CoDA Arizona Events CommitteePlease see FLYER for further info
Sat27Feb20211:00 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Every Saturday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm MOUNTAIN presented by the CoDA Arizona Events CommitteePlease see FLYER for further info
Sat06Mar20211:00 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Every Saturday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm MOUNTAIN presented by the CoDA Arizona Events CommitteePlease see FLYER for further info
Sat13Mar20211:00 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Every Saturday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm MOUNTAIN presented by the CoDA Arizona Events CommitteePlease see FLYER for further info
Sat20Mar20211:00 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Every Saturday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm MOUNTAIN presented by the CoDA Arizona Events CommitteePlease see FLYER for further info
Sat27Mar20211:00 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Every Saturday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm MOUNTAIN presented by the CoDA Arizona Events CommitteePlease see FLYER for further info
Sat27Mar202111:00 am EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Power of Connections Through Loving and Healthy Relationships or ServiceA Day of CoDA Workshop and Speakers
Saturday, March 27, 2021
11 am - 5 pm EASTERNWorkshops/Speakers will run approximately 1.5 hours with a break for lunch.
Suggested donation of $10.
Schedule and instructions will be emailed as the event nears.
Interested in leading a Workshop or being a Speaker? Contact the Events Committee at [email protected]
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coda-world-end-of-winter-retreat-virtual-2021-registration-140421744217 -
Sat03Apr2021Sat24Apr20211:00 pm ARIZONA TIMEOnline on Zoom
Mon26Apr20215:30 pm MOUNTAINOnline on Zoom
Interested in doing a CoDA Steps and Traditions Study? Here's your chance!When: April 26, 2021
Time: 5:30 pm MOUNTAIN
Where: Online on Zoom, hosted by the CoDA Red Deer Group in Red Deer, AlbertaPRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED AT THE FOLLOWING LINK:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Sat22May202111:00 am - 6:00 pm EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Fri04Jun2021Sun06Jun2021Starts Friday 7:00 pm EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Virtual SoCal CoDA ConventionSoCal CoDA is presenting a full weekend of "spirited" and "exciting" workshops and speakers!
Don't miss this FULL WEEKEND experience!
FRIDAY, June 4th - Opening Speaker
SATURDAY, June 5th - All Day Workshops, Speakers, and a 2-hour Annual SoCal CoDA Assembly
SUNDAY, June 6th - All Day Workshops and Speakers
Please see FLYER for more details.
Sat05Jun2021Sat26Jun20211:00 - 3:00 pm ARIZONA / PACIFIC TIMEOnline on Zoom
Sun27Jun20211:00 - 4:00 pm ARIZONA / PACIFIC TIMEOnline on Zoom
HAPPY, JOYOUS, AND FREE!!!Using the 12 Steps of CoDA to Self-Parent.
Please see FLYER for more details.
Sun04Jul2021Sun26Sep20211:00 - 4:00 pm ARIZONA / PACIFIC TIMEOnline on Zoom
Every Saturday on ZoomZoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/85067247533?from=join#success
Meeting ID: 850 6724 7533
Passcode: 010247 -
Sat17Jul20219:30 am - 2:30 pm EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Mon26Jul2021Fri30Jul2021Starts Monday 3:00 pm EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Delegate and Trusted Servant Orientation: Monday, July 26, 2021, at 3:00 PM EASTERNDelegate questions to [email protected]
Registration questions to [email protected]
General information available at www.coda.org
Login details and participant information will be sent out via email. Please register with a valid email address.
Sat14Aug20216:30 AM EASTERNOnline on Zoom
The CoDA Precious and Free Group in London, Ontario is going to start working through the CoDA 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Workbook starting at Step 1 on August 14, 2021, alternating Steps and Traditions over 24 weeks. There is no signup required and attendees do not need to attend every meeting.
For further information please contact [email protected]
+1-647-374-4685 - 879 1458 6813 # Canada (Toronto)
+1-669-900-6833 - 879 1458 6813 # US -
Sat18Sep202111:00 am - 5:00 pm EASTERNOnline on Zoom
The Co-Dependents Anonymous Founders present a Virtual WorkshopZoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4110231581?pwd=WEpTZVh2djcvdGx0OVN1cS9QMFJpdz09
Meeting ID: 411 023 1581
Passcode: 987987Organized by the Tucson CoDA Intergroup
For more information email codatucson.org
Please see FLYER for further info.
Sat09Oct202111:00 am - 5:00 pm EASTERNOnline on Zoom
Celebrating CoDA CommunityLets celebrate CoDA Community with a day of CoDA Workshops and Speakers!
About this event:
- Workshops/Speaker will run approximately 1.5 hours with a break for lunch
- DONATIONS are welcome to help support future CoDA Events
- Schedule and instructions will be emailed as the event nears
Interested in leading a Workshop or being a Speaker in English or another language?
Interested in Hosting a Speaker or Workshop to carry the message through different time zones (outside of scheduled time of event)?- Contact Events at [email protected]
DISCLAIMER: These links are provided as a courtesy. Listing them here does not imply endorsement of these sites or any outside enterprise that may be referenced in these sites.