Our collection of documents below are provided to assist you in your recovery. Following the Twelve Steps will help you realize the potential that is within you.
A CoDA group reads CoDA’s Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and the copyrighted Welcome and Preamble as they are written. These are our foundation documents. These readings, along with the availability of CoDA Service Conference Approved Literature at your meeting, help to support a sense of CoDA unity as called for in CoDA’s First Tradition.
Meeting Handbook
The Four Foundation Documents (to be read at EVERY meeting)
- 1) The Preamble of Co-Dependents Anonymous
- 2a) The Welcome of Co-Dependents Anonymous (long version)
- *OR*
- 2b) The Welcome of Co-Dependents Anonymous (short version)
- 3) The Twelve Steps of Co-Dependents Anonymous
- 4) The Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous
Meeting Formats
Individual Documents for Meetings
- Business Meeting Agenda (sample)
- CoDA Guide to Sharing / What is Crosstalk?
- Codependency & Recovery – The Differences
- Creating Accessible CoDA Meetings
- Flyer for New CoDA Meetings
- “For Safety Sake” Tent Card
- Group Contact List
- Guidelines for Anonymity in Social Media
- Newcomer Meeting Preparation (sample)
- Newcomers Package SEP 2024
- No Crosstalk Guideline (long version)
- Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence
- Recovery Patterns of Codependence
- Recovery Patterns of Codependence – “I” Version
- Recovery Patterns of Codependence – “We” Version
- Recovery Patterns of Codependence – Progress Scale
- Relationships – Codependent vs Authentic
- Slogans
- Starting a New CoDA Meeting
- Starting an Online CoDA Meeting
- The Twelve Promises of Co-Dependents Anonymous
- The Twelve Service Concepts of Co-Dependents Anonymous
- Thirteenth Stepping Handout
- Tools of Recovery
- Trusted Servants Roles & Responsibilities
- Twelve Powerful Relationship Tools
A safe place for teenagers to share experience, strength and hope.
Fellowship Service Manual (FSM)
Below are links to the 5 parts of the Fellowship Services Manual (FSM) as well as a link to a file containing all 5 parts. Suggested uses are as follows:
- Part 1 is intended for all members of CoDA, particularly those who intend to do service work.
- Part 2 is the Meeting Handbook and is intended for those wanting to start or help run a meeting. It is recommended that all meetings have a copy of this part.
- Part 3 is intended for use by those currently or considering doing service at the levels between meetings and CoDA, Inc. It is intended to be particularly helpful in establishing these service levels.
- Part 4 is intended for use by those currently or considering doing service at the CoDA, Inc. level. It is strongly recommended for all those who will be attending a CoDA Service Conference (CSC).
- Part 5 contains more detailed information related to the various service entities that exist at the CoDA Inc. service level, including the CoDA Board of Trustees, the various committees and other working groups and individual positions. The combined version was created for people who frequently search for information in the FSM to make it easier so they only need to search 1 file rather than 5
- FSM Part 1 – Structure and General Information
- FSM Part 2 – Meeting Handbook
- FSM Part 3 – Guidelines for Other Service Levels
- FSM Part 4 – Service Conference Procedures
- FSM Part 5 – World Level Service Details
- FSM Combined File
- Acronyms
- Glossary
CoDA Canada Service Manual Supplement (SMS)
This manual was created to supplement the Fellowship Service Manual in Canada. The guidelines (procedures) it entails are agreed upon by the members of the CoDA Canada Steering Committee’s Group Conscience. Since no one governs or is responsible, we do not have rules. Instead, we provide clear, orderly direction pertaining to the necessary tasks that help the continuation of our National Voting Entity.
Pamphlets available at CDRS eStore:
- Am I Co-Dependent?
- Attending Meetings
- Communication & Recovery
- Establishing Boundaries in Recovery
- Information for Professionals
- *NEW*Reparenting Our Inner Child
- Sponsorship in CoDA
- Using the Twelve Traditions
- Welcome to Co-Dependents Anonymous
- What Is CoDA? An Introduction
- *NEW*What Is CoDAteen?
- What is Codependency? A Checklist
- Your First Meeting
The Twelve Steps in Individual Pamphlets:
Other Pamphlets:
- CoDA Service Conference Endorsed Literature is Vital
- Dealing with Disagreements
- Recovery From Codependence: A Brief Introduction
- Starting a New Meeting
- Group Inventory
- Guidelines for Following the Twelve Traditions in Service Work
- Guidelines for the Development and Structure of Intergroup and Voting Entities
- Hospitals & Institutions Service Handbook
- Service Aspirations
- Starting a New CoDA Meeting
- The Twelve Service Concepts – Alive and Strong
- Trusted Servants Roles & Responsibilities
- Getting Started Working Steps 1, 2 & 3 Using the 30 Questions
- Introduction to 12 Step Study Group
- The First 14 Days Questions for Sponsors (not CAL) – Australia site
- The First 14 Days Workbook for Sponsees (not CAL) – Australia site
- Twelve Tips for Sponsors
- Working CoDA’s Steps 4 & 5 Using the 40 Questions
- Working the Steps as a Group
Copyright: The above material may be downloaded for use at meetings or for personal use. It may not be used for commercial purposes without permission from Co-Dependents Anonymous Inc.
For more information: CoDA Fair Use Policy